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 This Is Me Psychology Ltd.
Valuing Neurodiversity

Our Mission

We aim to bridge the gap between neurodivergent people and those who are neurotypical, to help them to gain the best possible understanding both of themselves and each other.

About Us

This Is Me Psychology Ltd. is dedicated to providing neurodiversity support for people of all ages.

Our work is multi-faceted. We work directly with individuals and their families to help them to understand and manage neurodivergent conditions. At the same time we work with schools and businesses to increase their awareness of neurodivergence and help them to foster a neuro-affirming environment that will benefit everyone.


Our goal is to create a safe and inclusive space where neurodivergent individuals can thrive and reach their full potential. We use a strength-based approach, helping individuals to gain the best possible understanding of themselves, so that they can celebrate the unique strengths and values that they have. At the same time we work to reduce challenges that these individuals may face, by implementing effective coping strategies both with the individual and adults supporting them. This may include support to help family members to adjust to have a relative with Autism, or implementing environmental changes at school or in the workplace to support an individual's needs.


Our aim is not to provide a 'catch-all' mental health service for people who are neurodivergent. Instead, we are here to focus on understanding the neurodiversity itself and ways to manage this more effectively. For instance we can teach effective strategies to help manage: emotional regulation; communication; social situations; change and transitions or sensory difficulties. We provide a holistic solution, working with family members, professionals and schools as needed.  By doing so this can often lead to an improvement in a person's overall mental health and wellbeing.


We understand the importance of offering support in a timely manner to address difficulties early on before they escalate. We know that there is a long wait for diagnosis at present and

we don't believe that anyone should have to wait to access support in the meantime, which is why we can also work with individuals prior to diagnosis. 


Our team of experienced professionals are committed to delivering high-quality care and support, ensuring that everyone feels valued and empowered.


Together, let's celebrate neurodiversity and promote positive mental health and wellbeing!

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Meet Our Clinical Director

Dr Emilie Moorhead (BSc, DClinPsy, PGCert)
Dr Emilie Moorhead

Hello! My name is Dr Emilie Moorhead and I'm the Clinical Director and Clinical Psychologist here at This is Me Psychology. 


I have spent the last 17 years working with people who are Neurodiverse. This includes people with Autism, ADHD, Tics and Tourette's Syndrome. I have experience of working with both children and adults. I gained my Clinical Psychology Doctorate through the Universities of Coventry and Warwick and am registered to work as a Practitioner Psychologist through the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).


I developed this service after working as a Clinical Lead in a Neurodiversity service in the NHS. Whilst I really enjoyed working in that service, I got frustrated that there wasn't more direct support that I could offer to people who are neurodiverse once they are diagnosed. I therefore started my own company to try to remedy this.


I'm a strong advocate for Neurodivergence and the strengths associated with this. All too often the diagnosis of Neurodivergent conditions focus on the weaknesses and the difficulties attached to this. There is too much emphasis on what someone cannot do. Instead, I believe it is important to help people to understand who they are and develop their own unique identity based on their strengths.



We offer support for people of all ages, as well as to family members, schools and workplaces.

We also provide workshops for pre and post diagnostic support.

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